Keynote Speakers

KEYNOTE SPEAKERS LIST - BMSD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Marijn Janssen, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

2024: Bert de Brock, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

2024: Gilbert Fridgen, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

2023: Willem-Jan van den Heuvel, Tilburg University, The Netherlands

2023: Roel Wieringa , University of Twente, The Netherlands

2022: Hans-Georg Fill, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

2021: Norbert Gronau, University of Potsdam, Germany

2021: Alexander Verbraeck , Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

2020: Manfred Reichert, Ulm University, Germany

2020: Mathias Weske, HPI - University of Potsdam, Germany

2019: Jose Tribolet, IST - University of Lisbon, Portugal

2018: Jan Mendling, WU Vienna, Austria

2018: Roy Oberhauser , Aalen University, Germany

2017: Norbert Gronau, University of Potsdam, Germany

2017: Oscar Pastor , Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain

2017: Alexander Verbraeck , Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

2016: Paris Avgeriou, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

2016: Jan Juerjens, TU Dortmund, Germany

2016: Mathias Kirchmer , BPM-D, USA

2015: Marijn Janssen, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

2015: Barbara Pernici , Politecnico di Milano, Italy

2014: Erik Proper , Public Research Centre "Henri Tudor", Luxembourg

2014: Roel Wieringa , University of Twente, The Netherlands

2013: Kecheng Liu , University of Reading, UK

2013: Marco Aiello , University of Groningen, The Netherlands

2013: Leszek Maciaszek , Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland

2012: Jan Dietz , Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

2012: Ivan Ivanov , SUNY Empire State College, USA

2012: Dimitri Konstantas , University of Geneva, Switzerland

2012: Marten van Sinderen , University of Twente, The Netherlands

2011: Mehmet Aksit , University of Twente, The Netherlands

2011: Dimitar Christozov , American University in Bulgaria - Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

2011: Bart Nieuwenhuis , University of Twente, The Netherlands

2011: Hermann Maurer , Graz University of Technology, Austria


Keynote Lecture

Marijn Janssen
Delft University of Technology
The Netherlands

Brief Bio
Prof.dr. Marijn Janssen is a Full Professor in ICT & Governance in the Technology, Policy and Management Faculty of Delft University of Technology, head of the Engineering Systems & Servies (ESS) department. Marijn Janssen research is in the field of the governance of Smart and Open Digital Government, Open data, and emerging technologies, like AI, Quantum computing and blockchain, which fundamentally change the organizational landscape and influence the governance. He is particularly interested in situations in which multiple public and private organizations want to collaborate, in which ICT plays an enabling role, socio-technical solutions are constrained by organizational realities and political wishes, and there are various ways to proceed. Marijn is on the editorial board of Government Information Quarterly, Decision Support Systems, Information Systems Frontiers, and conference chair of IFIP EGOV-CeDEM–ePart series. He was ranked as one of the leading e-government researchers in various surveys. More information:

Technology often is traditionally managed by separate departments, which are loosely connected to the business departments. All kinds of IT governance frameworks have been developed for the department and interaction with the business department. As technology becomes ubiquitous and interwoven in every part of the organizations and even determines competitiveness, the technology governance needs to be changed as well. Due to the blending of business and IT, organizational and IT governance have become more interwoven and must be adapted. Although governance should limit what can be done with IT to ensure privacy and security, governance should enable ambidexterity by ensuring sufficient leeway for people to maneuver, experiment with, and introduce new technology. This delicate balance must be dealt with without that the risks of avoiding taking any steps or the desire to innovate will dominate.




Keynote Lecture 1 (BMSD 2024)

Bert de Brock
University of Groningen
The Netherlands

Brief Bio
Bert de Brock is emeritus full professor in Business Information Modelling at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. He has a MSc in Mathematics, in particular Mathematical Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics (Groningen, cum laude) and a PhD in Computing Science (TU Eindhoven), on Database Models and Retrieval Languages. After his PhD, he became Senior Researcher at Philips Research. Later, together with a companion, he started an IT company specialized in database development. His research interests and practical experience can be summarized as Developing Information Systems. Typical research topics are functional requirements engineering, conceptual modelling, and formal specifications of information systems. He wrote the textbooks Foundations of Semantic Databases (Prentice Hall, 1995) and Developing Information Systems Accurately (Springer, 2023).

How to develop functional requirements for an information system in a straightforward way, given some problem space? Both data (the statics) and processes (the dynamics) must be developed, in an integrated way. The statics and dynamics of a system are closely related: They are the two sides of the same coin. We will sketch a concrete and complete development path for functional requirements, from initial (vague) user wishes until software specifications. The development steps are mutually aligned. Our aligned development pipeline supports traceability. The development pipeline includes concrete validation and explanation steps. An intermediate Conceptual Model (CM) has a central role in the development. The CM is a kind of functional ‘blue print’ and is implementation-independent. From the CM we can deduce the software specifications for the target platform in a straightforward way. The original question now reduces to the question how to specify the functional requirements for a given problem space. Actually, this splits Developing into Specifying and Realizing. The Conceptual Model of a system should model the statics as well as the dynamics of the system. The statics can be specified by a Conceptual Data Model (CDM) and the dynamics by a Conceptual Process Model (CPM). In short: CM = CDM ⊕ CPM. A CDM consists of one data model, while a CPM typically consists of several (usually many) ‘interaction descriptions’, in the form of System Sequence Descriptions (SSDs). The constructions in our SSD-language have a formal semantics.


Keynote Lecture 2 (BMSD 2024)

Gilbert Fridgen
University of Luxembourg

Brief Bio
Gilbert Fridgen is Professor and PayPal-FNR PEARL Chair in Digital Financial Services at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability, and Trust (SnT), University of Luxembourg, and Coordinator of the National Centre of Excellence in Research on Financial Technologies. In his research, he analyses the transformative effects of digital technologies on individual organizations as well on the relationship between organizations. He addresses especially emerging technologies like Digital Identities, Distributed Ledgers, Artificial Intelligence, and the Internet-of-Things. His research involves information systems engineering, IT strategy and (risk) management, as well as regulatory compliance. Gilbert Fridgen heads the FINATRAX research group, composed of over 35 team members on a PhD candidate or Postdoc-Level. In his projects and industry partnerships, he collaborates with partners in financial services, energy, as well as with public bodies and governments. Fridgen served as an expert for multiple governmental entities, such as the European Commission’s DG CONNECT and DG FISMA, as well as for the German Bundestag and multiple ministries in Luxembourg and Germany. He frequently publishes in academic journals and conference proceedings in management, information systems, computer science, and engineering, as well in outlets at the intersection of these disciplines.

Luxembourg’s National Centre of Excellence in Research in Financial Technologies brings together experts from Finance, Law, Software Engineering, and Information Systems. As principal investigator of the Centre, Prof. Gilbert Fridgen will report both on the importance but also on the challenges of this interdisciplinary collaboration. One critical aspect explored is legal compliance of technology in the financial services industry. The increasing complexity of IT-related laws and regulations demands a holistic approach. Often, multiple legal provisions intersect, creating tensions that can only be resolved through rigorous legal reasoning. Drawing from design science research and interdisciplinary literature, Fridgen and his team propose a novel design process—one that places legal compliance at its core. They focus on the early stages of the design process - i.e., problem identification and definition of the objectives - and introduce two novel design activities: (1) analyzing the nature of requirements and (2) identifying and defining design trade-offs. Thereby, they develop a preliminary guideline to engage with legal experts. The emerging method eases the transition into the design phase by putting legal reasoning before the definition of design objectives.




Keynote Lecture 1 (BMSD 2023)

Willem-Jan van den Heuvel
Tilburg University
The Netherlands

Brief Bio
Prof. dr. Willem-Jan van den Heuvel is a full professor in Information Systems and managing director of the European Research Institute of Services Science (ERISS). His research interests are at the cross-junction of software service systems and business process management with an emphasis on (global) networked enterprises. In particular, his expertise revolves around the following major research themes: business process management, Big data analystics, crime and safety, data mesh, and service engineering (including service governance).

Today, data is no longer viewed as merely a tacit derivative of enterprise applications, but rather a shareable, discoverable and composable product in itself. In the wake of this trend, the notion of a data mesh has emerged referring to a largely distributed data computing paradigm to share, discover, package and ingest analytical data as data products. In this keynote, we will argue how data meshes might fuel MLOps (and vice versa), facilitate frictionless collaboration between autonomous teams of data-product developers and consumers, promoting continuous delivery and integration. In this way, data mesh would achieve higher levels of alignment of the operational and analytical data panes, whilst breaking down the silos between data engineers and analysts. Several examples of data meshes and products will be discussed, cases presented, and open issues revealed.


Keynote Lecture 2 (BMSD 2023)

Roel Wieringa
University of Twente
The Netherlands

Brief Bio
Roel Wieringa is emeritus Chair of Information Systems at the University of Twente, The Netherlands. His research topics ranged from formal specification, conceptual modeling, requirements engineering to risk analysis of information systems. He is the author of Requirements Engineering: Frameworks for Understanding (Wiley, 1996) and Design Methods for Reactive Systems: Yourdon, Statemate and the UML (Morgan Kaufmann, 2003). In the past 20 years his research also included research methodology for information systems engineering and he published a book about this, Design Science Methodology for Information Systems and Software Engineering (Springer, 2014). Today, Roel helps companies design their digital ecosystem (, and he is very busy writing blogs about business models, business ecosystems, and the networked society.

In the digital economy, software systems are used not just to save cost but to create value for companies. They are used to create a value proposition for customers, to coordinate with partners and to collect revenue from services delivered online. This requires a value-driven and network-oriented approach to requirements engineering. In this talk I present an approach based on over 20 years of research in networked business modeling, and on real-world experience using this approach in business. I structure the requirements problem in four levels: What value proposition must be supported by ICT? Who participates in the value network that collaborates to offer this proposition? What are the revenue models to be supported? What are the requirements on ICT, data, and coordination that follow from this? The talk is illustrated with numerous practice cases. This talk is based on the upcoming book, Digital Ecosystems: How to Create, Capture and deliver Value in Business networks. TVE Press 2023, which Roel Wieringa wrote together with Jaap Gordijn.




Keynote Lecture (BMSD 2022)

Hans-Georg Fill
University of Fribourg

Brief Bio
Hans-Georg Fill is full professor at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland and Head of the Research Group Digitalization and Information Systems. Before, he held temporary full professor positions at the University of Bamberg, Germany and the University of Vienna, Austria. He holds a PhD and a habilitation from the University of Vienna in business informatics. He was a visiting researcher at Stanford University, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, and Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines at St. Etienne, France. His research activities focus on the development of IT-based modelling tools, distributed ledger technologies, visualization, and the alignment of conceptual modelling and semantic technologies. He is associate editor for Business and Information Systems Engineering as well as Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures - International Journal of Conceptual Modelling, chaired several conferences as general chair and served on numerous program committees.

Enterprise modeling is today a standard practice for the holistic engineering of socio-technical information systems. Besides their traditional role as formal representations of requirements for system development and the support of human communication and understanding, enterprise models may be processed algorithmically by machines. This is well-known for domains such as business process modeling and the execution of workflows or the conduction of impact analyses in enterprise architecture management. In this talk we will explore how the machine-based processing of enterprise models can be generalized in the form of augmented enterprise models. Based on examples from business plan generation, data-driven business process improvement, risk simulation or blockchain-based attestation we will describe the current state and derive possible future directions of this concept.




Keynote Lecture 1 (BMSD 2021)

Norbert Gronau
University of Potsdam

Brief Bio
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Gronau (born 1964) studied engineering and business administration at Berlin University of Technology. He got his Ph.D. in 1994 and finished then his habilitation thesis in industrial information systems. Since more than ten years he holds the Chair of Business Informatics, esp. Processes and Systems at the University of Potsdam, Germany. His main research activities concentrate on the areas of knowledge management and process management in private and public organizations. Together with Potsdam Consulting Group Prof. Gronau has supported a variety of small and large companies by advising them. Prof. Gronau is editor of the scientific journals Industrie4.0 Management, ERP Management and Procuctivity Management and author of many research papers and author of books on enterprise systems, knowledge management and business process management.

We are in the midst of the 4th industrial revolution. Small inexpensive computers with very high processing ability are more and more used in factories and logistical networks to increase the competetive ability of participating companies. The keynote of Prof. Gronau, member of the German Academy of Technical Sciences ACATECH and director of the 4IR research center Potsdam, Germany will provide an overview about these achievements and will address the question, which position belongs to the humans in the factory of the future? As Artificial Intelligence is also enlarging its capabilities it is possible to create a joint AI-human team in the factory. The keynote will show the elements of such a factory system, how to achieve it and its benefits for humans and the company as well.


Keynote Lecture 2 (BMSD 2021)

Alexander Verbraeck
Delft University of Technology
The Netherlands

Brief Bio
Alexander Verbraeck (MSc in Applied Mathematics and a PhD in Logistics) is a full professor at Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Multi Actor Systems Department. His research focuses on modeling and simulation, especially in heavily distributed environments and using real-time data. Examples of research on these types of simulations are real-time decision making, interactive gaming using simulations, data driven simulation, and digital twins. One of the major application domains for research is logistics and transportation, for which simulation models and serious games are developed in several funded projects. His projects focus, e.g., on multiscale modeling of large road networks, modeling of complexity in supply chains, and simulation and serious gaming for multimodal transport in the logistics chain. Research results have been published in journals and book chapters, and have been presented at many international conferences. Alexander has also been for many years in a position as adjunct professor in the Supply Chain Lab at the R.H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland, USA. Alexander is a Fellow in the Research School TRAIL for Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics, and a member of ACM and INFORMS.

Crises such as cyberattacks and the Corona pandemic have unfortunately demonstrated that many of the important information systems in businesses and Government are not resilient. After disruptive events, these systems have long periods of reduced service levels, and it takes major efforts to restore the systems to their normal state of operation. After a brief introduction into the topic of resilience, we will discuss how risk management frameworks, originating from the project management field and the safety sciences field, can help to assess the vulnerability of information systems or their components. Combined with an evaluation of the criticality of the components, a decision can be made to invest in either reducing their vulnerability, or their criticality, or both. Techniques for improving the resilience of information systems are readily available from systems engineering, and range from decoupling important parts so they can function independently to duplication of subsystems that provide critical services. Many of these are already being used as part of the design of complex information systems, but the deployment is often not based on a structured assessment to make the entire information system more resilient. The presentation will illustrate the usage of risk assessment methods and architectural solutions with a number of examples.




Keynote Lecture 1 (BMSD 2020)

Manfred Reichert
Ulm University

Brief Bio
Manfred is Professor of Computer Science and Director of the Databases and Information Systems Institute at Ulm University, Germany. His research spans across the fields of digital services, information systems, business process management, and process flexibility. Moreover, he has been engaged in many projects related to healthcare, logistics, automotive engineering, and Industry 4.0. Currently, he collaborates with several large companies, including Daimler, BMW Uhlmann Pac Systems, and Adesso. Manfred was PC co-chair of the BPM'08, CoopIS'11, and EDOC'13 conferences, and general chair of the BPM'09 and EDOC'14 conferences as well as the BPM'15 workshops. He received several best paper awards (e.g. OTM'05, EDOC'08, AIMS'17) as well as the BPM Test of Time Award at the BPM'13 conference. Finally, he is co-founder of the AristaFlow Ltd. and co-author of a Springer book on process flexibility.

The utmost importance of data for process-aware software systems has led to the emergence of data-centric process support paradigms, e.g., artifact-centric, object-aware, and data-driven approaches to BPM. By tightly integrating process and data, these approaches differ significantly from the widely used activity-centric process paradigm, aiming at the support of data-intensive business processes and offering by far the highest ?exibility. In particular, the progress of a data-centric process depends on the availability of data rather than on the completion of activities. Moreover, the focus has shifted from large, monolithic activity-centric processes towards rather small data-driven processes (e.g., object lifecyces), which need to collaborate in order to reach a particular business goal. The keynote speech will provide profound insights into fundamental concepts, features and enabling technologies of data-centric approaches to BPM. Moreover, it will discuss how this process support paradigm opens up new avenues with respect to the engineering, automation, and monitoring of large-scale business processes in the era of digitization and Industry 4.0.


Keynote Lecture 2 (BMSD 2020)

Mathias Weske
HPI - University of Potsdam

Brief Bio
Professor Dr. Mathias Weske is chair of the business process technology research group at Hasso Plattner Institute at the Digital Engineering Faculty, University of Potsdam, Germany. The research group aims at addressing real-world problems in business process management with formal approaches and engineering useful prototypes. His research focuses on the engineering of process oriented information systems, decision management, and event processing. The BPT research group has a track record in engineered prototypes with a significant impact on research and practice, including projects like Oryx and jBPT. He co-founded Signavio and he is business angel at Synfioo. Dr. Weske is author of the first textbook on business process management and he held the first massive open online course on the topic in 2013. With Matthias Kunze, he published a textbook on behavioural models. He is on the Editorial Board of Springer’s Distributed and Parallel Databases journal, Springer’s Computing journal, and he is a founding member of the steering committee of the BPM conference series and, since September 2017, chair of the steering committee.

Business process management is a well-established discipline to improve working procedures in organizations. Traditionally, business process models are developed to capture the essence of these procedures. Based on process models, process analysis and improvement techniques are applied, processes are improved and automated using dedicated software systems. More recently the research focus has broadened to include process mining, which use process execution data to analyze processes. Currently there is massive interest in process mining, both in academia and industry. The talk will introduce some questions addressed and some solutions provided by process mining. Finally, we discuss the relationships between process modeling and process mining as well as potential applications of process mining to the area of digital health.




Keynote Lecture (BMSD 2019)

Jose Tribolet
IST - University of Lisbon

Brief Bio
Prof. Dr. Jose Tribolet is Full Professor of Information Systems at Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST), University of Lisbon, Portugal. His main academic interests are in the areas of Enterprise Architecture, Engineering, Governance and Transformation. Dr. Tribolet holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT (1977). Dr. Tribolet founded in 1980 the first non-state owned research institute in Portugal, INESC - Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering. INESC is today a holding of six research institutes nationwide. He is a founding member of the Portuguese Engineering Academy and a founder of the Informatics Engineering College of the Portuguese Engineers Professional Association. Dr. Tribolet spent a full sabbatical year (1997-98) at MIT's Sloan School of Management. He was a guest professor at IWI - the Institute for Information Management of the University of St. Gallen, in Switzerland, during the spring term of 2012. Dr. Tribolet has been playing an active international role in the development of the new area of Enterprise Engineering: He plays a leading role in the CIAO! Consortium and in the EE Working Conferences. He was the General Chairmen of the 2013 IEEE Conference on Business Informatics. He his co-editor of the Springer Enterprise Engineering book series. Dr. Tribolet maintains an active professional profile, personally advising top executives on matters involving Enterprise Information Systems, Architecture, Engineering, Governance, Strategy and Transformation.

The emerging field of Enterprise Engineering is growing in maturity, built on solid scientific grounds. Its principles, methodologies and tools are proving to be valuable in several real life contexts, where complexity and dynamics of change are high and intellectual manageability is essential to make sense the emergent realities and to support consistent visions of the future. An Enterprise is a complex dynamic system and as such, it is subject to the laws of nature, like many other systems. The rich BoK of General Systems Theory and in particular the science of Dynamic Systems Theory and Control are fully applicable to any system, and in particular, to any Enterprise. In this Keynote Lecture, Dr. Tribolet will frame the fundamentals of Enterprise Engineering within the wider framework of General Systems Theory, with emphasis of the use of concepts of Observability and Controllability in Enterprise Design and on the novel concept of ESA - Enterprise Self Awareness, to support viable Enterprise Operations, Control and Governance.




Keynote Lecture 1 (BMSD 2018)

Jan Mendling
WU Vienna

Brief Bio
Prof. Dr. Jan Mendling is a Full Professor with the Institute for Information Business at Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien (WU Vienna), Austria. His research interests include various topics in the area of business process management and information systems. He has published more than 300 research papers and articles, among others in ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering, Information Systems, Data & Knowledge Engineering, and Decision Support Systems. He is member of the editorial board of seven international journals, member of the board of the Austrian Society for Process Management (, one of the founders of the Berlin BPM Community of Practice (, organizer of several academic events on process management, and member of the IEEE Task Force on Process Mining. His Ph.D. thesis has won the Heinz-Zemanek-Award of the Austrian Computer Society and the German Targion-Award for dissertations in the area of strategic information management.

Blockchain technology offers a sizable promise to rethink the way inter-organizational business processes are managed because of its potential to realize execution without a central party serving as a single point of trust (and failure). To stimulate research on this promise and the limits thereof, we have written a position paper on the challenges and opportunities of blockchain for Business Process Management (BPM) with various experts in the field. In this talk, I summarize these challenges and opportunities alongside two established frameworks, namely the six BPM core capabilities and the BPM lifecycle, and detail seven research directions for investigating the application of blockchain technology to BPM.


Keynote Lecture 2 (BMSD 2018)

Roy Oberhauser
Aalen University

Brief Bio
Roy Oberhauser is a Professor of Computer Science at Aalen University in Germany since 2004, with a teaching and research focus on software engineering. Prior to this position, he worked for 14 years doing research and development in the software industry, including 5 years with Siemens Corporate Technology in Munich and 9 years in Silicon Valley at Hewlett-Packard and other companies. His research interest is to discover and leverage software technologies and techniques to innovate and improve the quality and production of software for society.

Market pressure for faster software deployment cycle times gave rise to DevOps. Now BizDevOps is heralded as the next wave of organizational change to more tightly integrate the business into the organization's software development and IT operations culture and processes. This talk will highlight certain implications of this trend for both enterprise and software engineering, and will hypothesize the logical progression beyond BizDevOps as the next wave to affect our future organizational and software systems.




Keynote Lecture 1 (BMSD 2017)

Norbert Gronau
University of Potsdam

Brief Bio
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Gronau (born 1964) studied engineering and business administration at Berlin University of Technology. He got his Ph.D. in 1994 and finished then his habilitation thesis in industrial information systems. Since more than ten years he holds the Chair of Business Informatics, esp. Processes and Systems at the University of Potsdam, Germany. His main research activities concentrate on the areas of knowledge management and process management in private and public organizations. Together with Potsdam Consulting Group Prof. Gronau has supported a variety of small and large companies by advising them. Prof. Gronau is editor of the scientific journals Industrie4.0 Management, ERP Management and Procuctivity Management and author of many research papers and author of books on enterprise systems, knowledge management and business process management.

Modern process optimization approaches do build on various qualitative and quantitative tools, but are mainly limited to simple relations in different process perspectives like cost, time or stock. In this keynote a new approach is presented which focusses on techniques of the area of Artificial Intelligence to capture complex relations within processes. Hence, a fundamental value increase is intended to be gained. Existing modeling techniques and languages serve as basic concepts and try to realize the junction of apparently contradictory approaches. This keynote therefore draws a vision of promising future process optimization techniques and presents an innovative contribution.


Keynote Lecture 2 (BMSD 2017)

Oscar Pastor
Polytechnic University of Valencia

Brief Bio
Oscar Pastor is Full Professor and Director of the "Centro de Investigacion en Metodos de Produccion de Software (PROS)" at the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (Spain). He received his Ph.D. in 1992. He was a researcher at HP Labs, Bristol, UK. He has published more than two hundred research papers in conference proceedings, journals and books, received numerous research grants from public institutions and private industry, and been keynote speaker at several conferences and workshops. Chair of the ER Steering Committee, and member of the SC of conferences as CAiSE, ICWE, CIbSE or RCIS, his research activities focus on conceptual modeling, web engineering, requirements engineering, information systems, and model-based software production. He created the object-oriented, formal specification language OASIS and the corresponding software production method OO-METHOD. He led the research and development underlying CARE Technologies that was formed in 1996. CARE Technologies has created an advanced MDA-based Conceptual Model Compiler called OlivaNova, a tool that produces a final software product starting from a conceptual schema that represents system requirements. He is currently leading a multidisciplinary project linking Information Systems and Bioinformatics notions, oriented to designing and implementing tools for Conceptual Modeling-based interpretation of the Human Genome information.

A crucial success factor in information systems development is the alignment of the final software product with business goals, business semantics and business processes. Developers should be freed from programming concerns and be able to concentrate on these alignment problems. To assess that the right capabilities are used, sound Conceptual Modeling (CM) techniques within a Model-driven system development (MDD) must be applied in order to provide a structured and systematic approach to systems development, where developers can successfully use model transformation technologies to derive models of a lower abstraction level that can be further refined, even generating software code automatically. From the experience got with the use of advanced Conceptual Modeling-based, MDD platforms, this keynote will show how to start from an organizational Goal-oriented model (i*-based) strategy in order to integrate business process modelling (BPM), requirements engineering (RE) and object-oriented conceptual modelling with the objective of designing a software product that is conceptually aligned with the different types of conceptual models that have to be used in a conventional software production process. Concrete principles, concepts and common practices MDA-based will be presented with a special focus on model-driven requirements engineering, meaning by it how organizational and BPM models can be embedded in a complete CM-based software production process.


Keynote Lecture 3 (BMSD 2017)

Alexander Verbraeck
Delft University of Technology
The Netherlands

Brief Bio
Alexander Verbraeck (MSc in applied mathematics 1987 (cum laude); PhD in logistics 1991), is a full professor at Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Policy Analysis Department. His research focuses on modeling and simulation, especially in heavily distributed environments and using real-time data. Examples of research on these types of simulations are real-time decision making, interactive gaming using simulations, and the use of 3D virtual and augmented reality environments in simulations for training. The major application domains for research are logistics and transportation, and safety and security. He is a member of ACM, IEEE, SCS, and INFORMS, and a Fellow in the Research School TRAIL for Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics. In addition Alexander has a position as adjunct professor at the R.H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland, USA. Here, he applies the modeling and simulation research for studying real-time supply chains.

Because of the relatively low cost of intercontinental transportation, activities take place in those parts of the world that either have cheap labor, or specialize in certain types of value adding activities. This causes supply chains and transport networks to grow in complexity, and makes them more and more vulnerable to dynamics and disruptions. Disasters like the flooding in Thailand a few years ago or the Fukushima tsunami caused critical component stock-outs for the world market, disrupting thousands of supply chains across the planet. Coordination principles and information exchange have not adapted to the high volatility of today's enterprise networks, and risk assessment is not a standard tool in supply chain setup and inter-organizational information systems design. Yet, we all expect that sensor data and real-time coordination and control would be present to immediately address the problems that occur, and steer the complex systems to a stable state again. Unfortunately, current systems practices are often unable to utilize the real-time information and deal with the dynamics inherent to the overall system. The presentation will focus on these issues and will provide potential solutions using a modeling perspective.




Keynote Lecture 1 (BMSD 2016)

Paris Avgeriou
University of Groningen
The Netherlands

Brief Bio
Dr. Paris Avgeriou is Professor of Software Engineering in the University of Groningen, the Netherlands where he has led the Software Engineering research group since September 2006. Before joining Groningen, he was a post-doctoral Fellow of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM). He sits on the editorial board of IEEE Software and Springer Transactions on Pattern Languages of Programming. His research interests lie in the area of software architecture, with strong emphasis on architecture modeling, knowledge, evolution, patterns and link to requirements. He champions the evidence-based paradigm in Software Engineering research.

The term Technical Debt has become rather popular over the past years, expressing technical compromises that can yield short-term benefits but may hurt the long-term health of a software- system. There are good news: Technical Debt as a metaphor resonates well with technical and non-technical stakeholders and can potentially act as a bridge between them and facilitate communication and negotiation. There are also bad news: Technical Debt is undeniably accumulating in most large systems, pervading the entire lifecycle from requirements to deployment; it threatens to "bankrupt" those systems if it is not actively managed. The future of software engineering research and practice will revolve around how to identify, measure, prioritize and repay Technical Debt, as well as how to make sound investments to balance short- and long-term goals. In this talk we revisit the state of the art and practice to examine how much progress is achieved so far, and we discuss some promising future directions in the field, concluding with a "call to arms".


Keynote Lecture 2 (BMSD 2016)

Jan Juerjens
TU Dortmund

Brief Bio
Jan Juerjens is Professor for Software Engineering at Technical University Dortmund (Germany) and Director Research Projects at Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering ISST (Dortmund, Germany). He has been PI of various projects, often in cooperation with industry (e.g. Microsoft Research (Cambridge)). Previous positions include a Royal Society Industrial Fellowship at Microsoft Research Cambridge, a non-stipendiary Research Fellowship at Robinson College (Univ. Cambridge), where in 2009 he was appointed as Senior Member, and a Postdoc position at TU Munich. Jan holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Computing from University of Oxford and is author of "Secure Systems Development with UML" (Springer, 2005; Chinese translation 2009) and other publications mostly on software engineering and IT security. More information:

Security certification of complex systems requires a high amount of effort. As a particular challenge, today's systems are increasingly long-living and subject to continuous change. After each change of some part of the system, the whole system needs to be re-certified from scratch (since security properties are not in general modular), which is usually far too much effort. There has been recent work to address this challenge in the context of a line of work which develops approaches and tools for Model-based Security Engineering, making use of established modelling notations such as the Unified Modeling Language (UML). From that work, this talk presents a tool-supported approach for security certification that minimizes the amount of effort necessary in the case of re-certification after change. It is based on results that determine under which conditions change preserves security properties (for example in the context of structuring techniques such as refinement or architectural principles such as modularization). The approach supports an automated difference-based security analysis, at the level of design models as well as the implementation code (using static security analysis or run-time verification). It has been applied e.g. to cryptographic protocols, distributed security infrastructures, and identity management systems, and there are empirical results comparing it to classical techniques for security certification. In the outlook, we briefly present current research directions, such as applying the approach to the security certification of cloud-based systems.


Keynote Lecture 3 (BMSD 2016)

Mathias Kirchmer

Brief Bio
As innovative and pragmatic top executive, including roles as CEO and Managing Director, Dr. Kirchmer has worked successfully in an international environment. He is a visionary leader, thought leader and innovator in the field of Business Process Management (BPM). Dr. Kirchmer has combined his broad practical business experience with his extensive academic research, leading to pioneering management approaches that have proven to be both, sustainable and provide immediate benefits. His deep and layered knowledge of BPM has proven successful with small and large companies in various industries around the world, including Germany, France, USA, Brazil, Chile, Japan, and India. Most recently, Dr. Kirchmer has founded BPM-D, a company focused on enabling the next generation enterprise by leveraging the discipline of BPM. Before Dr. Kirchmer has been Accenture's Managing Director & Global Lead for BPM. Prior to joining Accenture, Dr. Kirchmer was the CEO of the Americas & Japan and The Chief Innovation & Marketing Officer for IDS Scheer, a leading provider of software and consulting solutions for BPM, best known for its ARIS software. Dr. Kirchmer remains involved in academia as an affiliated faculty member at the University of Pennsylvania since 1998, the Business School of Widener University, Philadelphia University and the Universidad of Chile as a visiting professor. In 1984, he received a research and teaching fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Dr. Kirchmer is a published authority of BPM authoring 6 books as well as over 120 articles and public presentations. Dr. Kirchmer holds a PHD in Information Systems from Saarbrucken University, a Master in Business Informatics from Karlsruhe Technical University, as well as a Master in Economics from Paris-IX-Dauphine University. He resides in West Chester, Pennsylvania and has a US and German citizenship.

According to a recent study of The Gartner Group only 13% of business meet their yearly strategic goals. This means 87% of organizations prepare strategic plans and related goals - but they don't meet their goals. In addition less than 1% of companies have prepared their business processes to realize the potential of our digital world. Hence the risk of not executing successfully on a business strategy becomes even higher. This presentation will show how the discipline of business process management (BPM) addresses those issues. It helps organizations targeting value in a digital world through cross-functional integrated business and technology initiatives. BPM becomes the management discipline of strategy execution. The presentation discusses the value and key components of the discipline of process management. It introduces a patent-pending framework to establish and manage a BPM-Discipline successfully. This management discipline helps companies to organize their "process of process management" resulting in increased productivity and performance - and at the end in a systematic execution of their strategy. We will discuss the research prototype of a next generation software application supporting the application of the framework. The BPM-Discipline leverages the opportunities of the digital world systematically to deliver business value fast and at low risk by executing strategy systematically.




Keynote Lecture 1 (BMSD 2015)

Marijn Janssen
Delft University of Technology
The Netherlands

Brief Bio
Dr. Marijn Janssen is full Professor in ICT & Governance and head of the Information and Communication Technology section of the Technology, Policy and Management Faculty of Delft University of Technology. His research interests are in the field of orchestration, (shared) services, intermediaries, open data and infrastructures within constellations of public and private organizations. He serves on several editorial boards and is involved in the organization of a number of conferences. He published over 300 refereed publications. More information:

Based on a study of more than 15 cases the analyzes shows that architectural governance is a condition for success. Architectural governance introduces more bureaucracy and administrative work, but paradoxically can result in more flexibility and agility. Architectural governance complements architecture and often architecture and architectural governance is strongly connected, making it difficult to separate them. This strong dependence requests that a change in architecture influences the governance and vice versa.


Keynote Lecture 2 (BMSD 2015)

Barbara Pernici
Politecnico di Milano

Brief Bio
Barbara Pernici is full professor in Computer Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano. Her research interests include adaptive information systems, service oriented computing, data quality, and energy efficiency in information systems. She has lead the POLIMI team in the European FP7 ECO2Clouds (Experimental Awareness of CO2 in Federated Cloud Sourcing) project and scientific leader in the FP7 European project GAMES (Green Active Management of Energy in Service Centers). She is member of the Management Committee of the COST 1304 Action ACROSS (Autonomous Control for a Reliable Internet of Services). She has been elected chair of TC8 Information Systems of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), of IFIP WG 8.1 on Information Systems Design, and vice-chair of the IFIP WG on Services-Oriented Software. She is Head of the PhD School of Politecnico di Milano since 2011.

While in traditional business applications data management was confined to handling data necessary for performing the activities in processes according to a predefined process schema, and therefore process models focused on modeling the possible sequences of activities, the increasing volumes of data available nowadays are giving a different role to data also in processes. The talk will explore data modeling in processes, the implications of data quality and the management of data errors. Different types of processes will be discussed, focusing in particular on data flows and monitored data during process execution. Process monitoring provides a large quantity of data for process analysis, and the talk will discuss not only process redesign, but also the identification of critical events during process execution based on monitored data and strategies for taking adaptive corrective actions during the process execution.




Keynote Lecture 1 (BMSD 2014)

Erik Proper
Public Research Centre "Henri Tudor"

Brief Bio
Prof.dr. Henderik A. Proper, Erik for friends, is a senior research manager at Public Research Centre - Henri Tudor in Luxembourg. He is also professor of information systems at the Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. He is one of the co-initiators of the development of the ArchiMate language for Enterprise Architecture. At Tudor, he leads the research programme on enterprise engineering. Erik has co-authored two books on enterprise architecture, and provided substantial contributions to two other books on this topic. He is also an editor in-chief of the book series on Enterprise Engineering, published by Springer. His home on the web can be found at

In enterprise modelling, a wide range of models and languages is used to support different purposes. If left uncontrolled, this can easily result in a fragmented perspective on the enterprise, its processes and IT support. On its turn, this negatively affects traceability, the ability to do cross-cutting analysis, and the overall coherence of models. Different strategies are suggested to achieve model integration. They mainly address syntactic-semantics aspects of models/languages, and only to a limited extent their pragmatics. In actual use, the 'standardising' and 'integrating' effects of traditional approaches (e.g. UML, ArchiMate) erodes. This is typically manifested by the emergence of local 'dialects', 'light weight versions', as well as extensions of the standard to cover 'missing aspects'. This presentation aims to create more awareness of the factors that are at play when creating integrated modelling landscapes. Relying on our ongoing research, we develop a fundamental understanding of the driving forces and challenges related to modelling and linguitic variety within modelling landscapes. In particular, the presentation discusses the effect of a priori fixed languages in modelling and model integration efforts, and argues that they bring about the risk of neglecting the pragmatic richness needed across practical modelling situations.


Keynote Lecture 2 (BMSD 2014)

Roel Wieringa
University of Twente
The Netherlands

Brief Bio
Roel Wieringa ( is Chair of Information Systems at the University of Twente, The Netherlands. His research interests include requirements engineering, risk assessment, and design research methodology. He has written two books, on Requirements Engineering and on the Design of Reactive Systems. His next book, Design Science Methodology for Information Systems and Software Engineering will appear in 2014 with Springer.

Requirements engineering is the activity to mutually align business goals with software systems behavior. In goal-oriented RE, goal models are used in a systematic process to exploit the interaction between the properties of the business context of a software system and properties of the system itself in order to contribute to stakeholder goals. In this talk I will describe this process and give examples to illustrate it. I then highlight several aspects of the structure of goal models, including means-end structures, temporal structures and contribution structures, and show what role they play in reasoning about organization design and software design.




Keynote Lecture 1 (BMSD 2013)

Kecheng Liu
University of Reading

Brief Bio
Professor Kecheng Liu, Fellow of the British Computer Society, holds a professorial chair of Applied Informatics at the University of Reading, UK. He is Director of Informatics Research Centre, and Head of School of Business Informatics, Systems and Accounting, a constituent school within Henley Business School. He has published 14 books and over 200 papers in the fields of business informatics. As a key international figure in business informatics and organisational semiotics, he was one of the founders and also the chair of a series of international workshops and conferences on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations. His research interests span from information systems methodology, requirements engineering, pervasive informatics, intelligent systems enabling sustainable working and living, information management in healthcare and, recently, pragmatic web. He has supervised 50 PhD students spreading in many countries and regions such as Chile, Brazil, The Netherlands, Portugal, Saudi Arab, Iran, Singapore, Hong Kong, China and the UK. He has been visiting professor in a number of prestigious Chinese Universities, including Renmin, Beijing Institute of Technology, and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.

There is often a tension between IT and business systems, because of the changing business requirements. An IT system, that at one time may be highly supportive, after some time, could become inadequate to business operations and be regarded as a legacy system. Such a problem may be caused by a number of factors. One is that IT systems and business processes are not treated as one integral unit; and therefore the misalignment between the business and IT systems may occur. Calibration and alignment of IT and business systems have to be regularly performed. Much effort in industry and academia has been made in searching for solutions, through investigation of, e.g., flexible architecture of IT systems, evolutionary information systems and co-evolution of IT systems and business processes. But the results have often been far from being satisfactory. The co-design of business and IT systems introduced in the keynote is an approach towards this direction. An IT system is viewed as a part of the business organisation, and the design of the business organisation will derive the design of IT system, with the IT system design being a by-product. The organic integration of IT into the business processes will allow both systems to evolve naturally. The co-design approach from the perspective of organisational semiotics in this talk will be presented as a methodological foundation for modelling the business organisation. An organisation is analysed and modelled as the informal, formal and automated components which interact and support each other. Modelling the organisation will involve the solicitation and representation of the norms that govern the behaviour in each part. The presentation of this method of co-design will be followed by an illustration of the method applied in integrating the healthcare enterprise, with a discussion on future research.


Keynote Lecture 2 (BMSD 2013)

Marco Aiello
University of Groningen
The Netherlands

Brief Bio
Marco Aiello is Full Professor of Distributed Systems at the Johann Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Member of Energy Academy Europe, he focuses on ICT research related to Smart Grids and in particular on the low voltage distribution network and on buildings connected to it. He is the Technical Manager of the EU project GreenerBuildings and PI of the Dutch Energy Smart Offices. He was also the PI of a Dutch project on variability modeling and service orientation for governmental business processes (SaS-LeG). Prior to joining the University of Groningen he was a Lise Meitner fellow at the Technical University of Vienna (Austria) from which he obtained the habilitation. Before he has been assistant professor at the University of Trento (Italy). He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Amsterdam (2002) and a degree in Computer Engineering cum Laude from the University of Rome, La Sapienza (1997). More information is available at and

The Smart Power Grid promises to not only provide for a more reliable distribution infrastructure, but also give the end-users better pricing, information, and freedom. The promise is fueled by a pervasive digitalization of the energy production and distribution network that will finally involve both utilities, governments, and end-users. The real advantages of the smart grid will be available to all, only if the physical infrastructure of energy distribution is supported by adequate information systems. In this talk, I will review the current state and possible evolutions of the concept of a smart grid, I will point to the data that future information systems will need to manage and, finally, indicate possible uses for such information.


Keynote Lecture 3 (BMSD 2013)

Leszek Maciaszek
Wroclaw University of Economics

Brief Bio
Leszek A. Maciaszek is the Director of Institute of Business Informatics and Head of Department of MIS Engineering at Wroclaw University of Economics. He holds also an Honorary Research Fellow position at Macquarie University - Sydney, Australia. He is internationally recognized mostly for his work in database technology, software engineering and systems analysis and design. He has worked as a Visiting Professor/Scientist in more than 20 universities/research centres in countries on four continents; has authored about 150 peer-reviewed publications (including Prentice-Hall and Addison-Wesley books, some translated from English to Chinese, Russian and Italian); has initiated a number of yearly international conferences, including ENASE and FedCSIS; has served as an expert, reviewer and advisor to international corporations, government bodies and ministries (currently a member an advisory council to the Minister of Administration and Digitization of the Republic of Poland); has been a reviewer and evaluator to European Commission of FP7 projects.

Complexity is defined as the degree to which a software system is difficult to understand, maintain and evolve. The main difficulty stems from complex interactions (dependencies) between system components/services. The dependencies can be enforced in the architectural design and can be managed by analyzing the implementation code. This keynote addresses software complexity, offers a meta-architecture that minimizes software dependencies, and presents a method to monitor software dependencies. The aim is to produce systems possessing the quality of maintainability. Architectural intent for maintainable systems is invariably some sort of hierarchical layered structure. The holon abstraction - introduced by Arthur Koestler to interpret the structures and processes in living systems - is applied as an approach to restraining software complexity.




Keynote Lecture 1 (BMSD 2012)

Jan Dietz
Delft University of Technology
The Netherlands

Brief Bio
Jan L.G. Dietz is emeritus full professor in Information Systems Design at Delft University of Technology, full professor in Enterprise Engineering at Delft University of Technology, and director of Sapio ( He holds a Master degree in Electrical Engineering and a Doctoral degree in Computer Science. He has published over 200 scientific and professional articles and books. His current research interests are in the emerging discipline of Enterprise Engineering, of which Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Ontology, and Enterprise Governance are the major pillars. Before his academic career, he has practiced application software engineering for ten years in industry. Jan Dietz is the spiritual father of DEMO (Design & Engineering Methodology for Organizations), and honorary chairman of the Enterprise Engineering Institute ( For the development of Enterprise Engineering, he chairs the international research network CIAO! ( He also acts as editor-in-chief of a book series on Enterprise Engineering, published by Springer. For more information, visit

Model Driven Engineering has been with us for quite some time, the most well known approach being OMG's Model Driven Architecture. However, although it has brought substantial benefits compared to other software engineering approaches, Model Driven Engineering presently still suffers from two major shortages. First, it is unable to deliver domain models from which the correct functional requirements can be derived. Hence, true validation is hardly possible: the software does not meet user expectations. Second, the models to be produced during the system development process, are not formally defined. Hence, their verification remains a cumbersome task. One of the theoretical pillars of Enterprise Engineering (EE) is the Generic System Development Process. It distinguishes between the using system and the object system (the system to be built), and it states that any software development process should start from the ontological construction model of the using system. In addition, EE's systemic notion of Enterprise Ontology offers a formalized ontological model of an enterprise that satisfies the C4E quality criteria (coherent, consistent, comprehensive, concise, and essential). An operational application software generator will be presented that takes this ontological model, with some extensions, as source code input and executes the model as a professional software application. Changes in the software, as required by any agile enterprise, are brought about 'on the fly', through re-generation, based on the modified ontological model of the enterprise.


Keynote Lecture 2 (BMSD 2012)

Ivan Ivanov
SUNY Empire State College

Brief Bio
Ivan I. Ivanov is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and Information Systems at State University of New York - Empire State College. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Computers and Networking Technologies and a MS degree in Computer Engineering. He was a research fellow in leading universities in Great Britain, The Netherlands, France, and Germany. Dr. Ivanov worked in joint European IT projects with partners from France, United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Greece, Italy, and in cooperation with worldwide technology leaders ensuing developing advanced technological infrastructure and information services at educational establishments in Bulgaria. His scholarly work is built upon his wide range of competences within Computer Architecture, Information Systems Design, Network Services, and Information Technology Management blended with proficiency in aligning technological solutions to organizational requirements and needs. His latest professional interest is in emerging computing models and the correlation between computing and technology innovations with business and society advance. Dr. Ivanov works with students from diverse area of studies in emerging technology topics that reflect their educational plans and career opportunities. His undergraduate studies are in broad areas of Computer Architecture, Data Communications and Networks, Systems Analysis and Design, Information Security and Policy, and Information Technology for Management. He has developed and teaches graduate courses in Project Management, Management Information Systems, and Strategic IT Management for the MBA program. He is an organizer and sponsor for the Annual Technology Workshops at the Long Island Center, forums for Empire State College students to build up researching, analytical, critical thinking and presentation skills; sharing best practice in technology topics as it relates to course projects and professional development to a select group of peers, college alumni and professionals.

Increasingly the business success and economic opportunities steadily depend on IT-enabled capabilities and IT-driven business transformations. In today's global digital economy, the technology and business domains are colliding forcefully than ever and new business models and growing prospects emerge. The IT, and especially emerging technologies, profoundly changes how companies strategize their technology architectures and create value and business growth as a result of IT, both within specific industries, and through industry boundaries. For the IT domain it is most important to define and establish the organization's IT architecture underneath the enterprise architecture. A well-formulated IT architecture comprisescontent and processes and outlines the systemic effect of the mutually dependent technological components and processes of the enterprise architecture.The talk will explore the impact of emerging technologies on the process of aligning organizational IT architecture to the business strategy and will emphasize the driving forces intertwining IT domain with the business agility, growth and asset utilization.


Keynote Lecture 3 (BMSD 2012)

Dimitri Konstantas
University of Geneva

Brief Bio
Dimitri Konstantas is Professor and Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, and member of the Institute of Services Sciences. He holds a Phd in Informatics from the University of Geneva, a MSc in Computer Sciences from the University of Toronto and a MSc in Electronic Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens. He was previously professor and Chair of the APS group at the University of Twente, The Netherlands and Research assistant at the Institute of Computer Sciences, FORTH, Crete, Greece. Since 1985, prof. Konstantas, is active in multidisciplinary research in the areas of Object Oriented systems, agent technologies, Multimedia applications and e-commerce services. Since 2002 his main research areas are mobile and wireless multimedia services and applications, with special interest in mobile health and location based services. He has more than 200 publications in international conferences, journals, books and book chapters and a long participation and leadership in European and national projects. Prof. Konstantas is serving as consultant and scientific expert for several international companies and governments.

ICT based services and products are today a major element in the support of health care: e-heath and m-health are offering tools that can monitor patients 24h per day, provide valuable information to care personnel and trigger the dispatching of assistance. However, technology itself is not enough: Cure without prevention will not sustainably solve the health care problems of the next 40 years. New innovative ICT based services are needed, integrating technology and life style and social models helping educate the (future) patients to acquire healthy habits and allowing them from one side to postpone for several years the appearance of health problems and from the other side how to be as much as possible self supported in coping with their health problems.


Keynote Lecture 4 (BMSD 2012)

Marten van Sinderen
University of Twente
The Netherlands

Brief Bio
Marten van Sinderen holds a MSc in Electrical Engineering and a PhD in Computer Science, both from the University of Twente (UT). He is currently Associate Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science of the UT, and coordinator of the research area on Service Architectures and Health Applications at UT's Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT). His research focuses on design methods and technologies for distributed information systems. His research interests include service-oriented architectures, model-driven design, enterprise interoperability, and business-IT alignment. Marten van Sinderen is active in both national and international communities on his field of interest. He was project manager of the Dutch Freeband/A-MUSE project (BSIK 03025) on model-driven design of context-aware services. He currently leads the Dutch GenCom/U-Care project (IGC0816) on tailorable and adaptive homecare services. He is chairman of the steering committee of the International IEEE Enterprise Computing Conference (EDOC), and program co-chair of the International Conference on e-Business (ICE-B). He is also a member of the managerial board of IFIP WG5.8 on Enterprise Interoperability, and a member of the editorial boards of the Enterprise Information Systems journal published by Taylor & Francis and the Service oriented Computing and Applications journal published by Springer.

The ability of an enterprise to collaborate with other enterprises is increasingly important to stay competitive and be successful in business. Enterprises must be able to effectively and sufficiently interact with suppliers and customers, and possibly combine and coordinate efforts to satisfy the needs of a single customer. This requires that different enterprises have to devise their processes and agree on a shared universe of discourse, such that their respective collaboration goals can be fulfilled. Furthermore, it requires interoperability between enterprises, i.e. the ability of enterprises to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged in accordance to the collaboration goals. The enterprises' processes drive the information exchange and use the information through interpretation under the shared universe of discourse. If the collaboration is to be supported by Information and Internet Technology, underlying automated systems send and receive messages containing user data to represent the information. Much work has been done to ensure interoperability of technical systems. Communication protocols and data formats have been standardized to achieve syntactic interoperability (exchange of data), and ontology definitions and ontology languages have been developed to facilitate semantic interoperability (interpretation of data). In order to achieve enterprise interoperability, business requirements and technology solutions have to be aligned. In this talk we will explore the modeling of business requirements with respect to enterprise interoperability in relation to Internet-based technology solutions. We will briefly discuss the challenges emerging from evolving enterprises as a result of, for example, changing goals, partners or technology.




Keynote Lecture 1 (BMSD 2011)

Mehmet Aksit
University of Twente
The Netherlands

Brief Bio
Mehmet Aksit holds an M.Sc. degree from the Eindhoven University of Technology and a Ph.D. degree from the University of Twente. Currently, he is working as a full professor at the Department of Computer Science, University of Twente and affiliated with the institute Centre for Telematics and Information Technology. He has served many conferences and symposia. For example, he was the program (co) chair of ECOOP'97, SACT'00, HQSAD'00, NoD'02 and AOSD2003. He was the tutorial chair of the ECOOP'92 conference and the organizing chair of the AOSD'02 conference. He has been also serving as a program committee member of many international conferences and as a reviewer of several journals. He is the co-founder and has been the co-editor in chief of Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (published by Springer-Verlag) until March 2007. Currently, he is at the editorial board of this journal. He has organized special journal issues as a co-guest editor on topics such as "Computational Intelligence in software engineering", "Auto-adaptable systems", "Model Driven Architecture". In addition, since 1988, he has been serving as a reviewer of various European projects. He has given numerous invited presentations and keynote talks. Examples in 2008 are keynote talks in Software Composition conference in Budapest, Aspect-Oriented Modeling workshop in Brussels, Informatics conference in Cesme, Software Quality and Tools Conference in Istanbul, Sysem Integration Conference in Brasilia. He is the co-founder of Aspect-oriented association, where he has served as the steering committee member until March 2008. He is the steering committee member of AITO, which organizes the ECOOP conference series. He is the steering committee member of the Turkish Software Architecture Group, which organizes National conferences on this topic. Since 1990, he has given more than 110 international and in-company courses and conference tutorials mainly in the Netherlands, but also in Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and in the United States. For more than 10 years long, he has received (one of) the highest evaluations for the courses given for the post-academic organization (PAO-Informatica). He has organized special training programs for a number of multi-national companies, where he trained hundreds of software designers and architects. As a visiting scientist, in 1989 he was at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Laboratory, New York, in 1993 at the University of Tokyo, and in 1994 at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He has been involved in the design and implementation of many software systems. When he was working for Oce Nederland from 1981 - 1982 and 1983 - 1987, first he worked on image processing and coding techniques to be used in digital copiers. Later he worked on office system software. After moving to the University of Twente in 1987, he has been involved in many practical projects and designed various large-scale software architectures, which some of them are currently being utilized in products. Some of the research tools developed by the chair are now being used in some industrial applications. He has served as a consultant for large organizations such as in 2006 the Dutch Ministry of Traffic where he has evaluated large-scale applications of software systems managing traffic-flow. Also, in 2007 he has served the Dutch Tax office by giving consultancy and training.

From enterprise systems to embedded systems, software is the key enabling force of today's businesses. Although this fact is recognized by the current business and technology managers, the complexities that come along with software, and how to deal with these, are hardly understood. This is mostly because software is "invisible" and the professional skills that are required to deal with complex software are generally unknown to the management. For this reason, software system development is largely considered as a bunch of coding activity plus some nasty process management. The businesses that are willing to apply the maturity models such as CMMI mainly focus on the processes without being conscious about the depth of the required solution techniques. The increased emphasis on architectures is mostly limited to considering the enabling technologies in system realization. On the other hand, the language of the researchers in computer science are unintelligible to the technical managers. We believe that the so called software crisis is partly created due to the above listed problems. To address these challenges, we will first identify the so-called key quality and technology domains. Then we will introduce the concept of technology maturity models. A technology maturity model identifies the advancements an organization may master in due time within a key technology domain through adoption of increasingly more advanced and beneficial state-of-the-art methods, techniques and tools. Finally we will conclude the talk by emphasizing the advantages of adopting the software technology maturity models for creating successful businesses.


Keynote Lecture 2 (BMSD 2011)

Dimitar Christozov
American University in Bulgaria

Brief Bio
Dimitar Christozov is a Professor of Computer Science at the American University in Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad 2700, Bulgaria since 1993 and at the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies since 2002. He has more than 30 years of research and education experience in areas as computer science, applied statistics, information systems. His recent interests are in the field of business intelligence and data mining. He graduated Mathematics from Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" in 1979. He completed his PhD thesis "Computer Aided Evaluation of Machine Reliability" in 1986. and DSc thesis "Quantitative measures of the quality of informing" in 2009. In ICTT "Informa" (1986-1993) Dr. Christozov was involved in establishing the national information network for technology transfer and research in the areas of technologies assessment, integral quality measures and information systems for quality management. In these areas he was recognized as one of the leading experts in Bulgaria. At the American University in Bulgaria, he was the leading person in curriculum development, launching and development of the majors of Computer Science (1993) and Information Systems (2008). At the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies he proposed and implemented the major of Information Brokerage. Professor Christozov has more than 80 publications as separate volume, journal papers and papers in refereed proceedings. He is a founding member of Informing Science Institute and chair of Bulgarian Informing Science Society; and founding member of the Bulgarian Statistical Society and the Bulgarian Telework Association.

Using business models is essential for successful contemporary management. A model represents understanding about the real life domain and reflects its essential traits. Another characteristic of today's management is availability of huge amount of accessible and searchable data accumulated over executing business activities. Exploring those data to increase domain understanding and to build models, which further can be used to support decision making is the essential task of the emerging area of Business Intelligence and especially Data Mining. The process of modeling based on business data analysis to build decision support tools is discussed via sharing the experience acquired in a data mining project. The project aimed discovering factors influencing the warranty cost in automobile industry. The warrant data analysis has to serve for solving two different tasks: (i) Design of warranty policy. Warranty is an important marketing tool, used to share the risk of failures between all customers. This share is included into the product's price. Also, warranty is an important advertising and promotional tool - warranty coverage encourages the customers to purchase the product. In its both purposes, the warranty policy requires careful analysis related to the cost, which influence pricing and overall marketing policy. (ii) Increase the reliability of cars. Warranty data contains information about the most common problems leading to failures. Warranty analysis helps to identify priorities and directions of improvement the products. Or how to improve the cars and to reduce the warranty cost. An iterative research process of developing and exploring models to facilitate data analysis is presented. The process includes the following phase: Data collection; data research; modeling; defining analytical procedures to expose the discovered patterns; development software tools to support use of the analytical procedures. Interpretation of discovered patterns provides the necessary arguments in design of software tools for regular ongoing business analysis to support decision making. The applied methodology represents a good practice in specifying, designing and implementing components of a data mining application.


Keynote Lecture 3 (BMSD 2011)

Bart Nieuwenhuis
University of Twente
The Netherlands

Brief Bio
Bart Nieuwenhuis is part-time professor at the School of Management and Governance at the University of Twente. He is member of the Research Group Information Systems and Change Management (ICMS), holding the chair in QoS of Telematics Systems. He is working as advisor and consultant for his own consultancy firm K4B Innovation. His research focuses on generic service provisioning platforms including Quality of Service mechanisms. Application domains comprise telemedicine as well as billing and payment services. His research interests include service innovation and business modelling. Bart Nieuwenhuis supervises PhD students and publishes scientific articles and conference papers on services provisioning platforms and middleware technologies for Quality of Service and Context Awareness. Bart Nieuwenhuis is chairman of the innovation-driven research programme Generic Communication, part of R&D programmes funded by the Ministry of Economic Affaires. For K4B Innovation, Bart Nieuwenhuis works as an advisor to The Netherlands ICT Research and Innovation Authority. He is the managing director of Exser, the center of service innovation in The Netherlands, founded in 2008. In this center private companies, academic institutions and governmental organization co-operate in order to realise open innovation initiatiatives. The centre is sponsored by various large, innovative service companies and governmental organizations in The Netherlands. Before joining the ISCM group, Bart Nieuwenhuis was part-time full professor at the Architecture and Services of Network Applications (ASNA) group within the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science (EEMCS) of the University of Twente. He joined the ASNA group in Twente after a period of five years at the University of Groningen, where he was Tele-Informatics professor at the Computer Science Faculty. Before starting his own company, he worked more than 20 years for KPN Research, the R&D facility of KPN, the telephony and Internet market leader in The Netherlands. He served as manager of R&D departments and Head of Strategy of KPN Research. Bart Nieuwenhuis worked on behalf of KPN for the European Institute for Research and Strategic Studies in Telecommunications (EURESCOM) in Heidelberg and was leader of various international, cooperative projects of European public network operators. Bart Nieuwenhuis holds a PhD in Computer Science and a MSc (cum laude) and BSc in Electrical Engineering, all from the University of Twente.

During the 1970s the business model concept was used for describing IT-related business processes. More recently, the business model concept is used for analysing market structures as well as strategic choices related to positioning of organisations within these market structures. Organisations commercialise new ideas and technologies through their business models. The business model design can be seen as a key decision for new firm entrepreneurs. The research field is still lacking a common and general accepted definition of a business model. Chesbrough and Rosenbloom define a business model as 'a blueprint for how a network of organisations cooperates in creating and capturing value from technological innovation'. Essentially, a business model can be seen as a definition of the manner by which an organisation delivers value to customers, entices them to pay for value and converts those payments to profit. Initially, attention has been paid to empirically defining business model typologies. In recent years, business model research started focusing on exploring business model components and developing descriptive models. Osterwalder and Pigneur use a decomposition consisting of nine components: value proposition, customer segments, client relationships, distribution channels and revenue flows on one hand and key activities, key resources, cost structure, partner network on the other hand. These models can also be used to develop business models for software-based products and services. Software can be part of a tangible product that is being paid for by customers. Due to developments such as Application Service Provisioning (ASP), Software as a Service (SaaS) and more recently Cloud Computing, software is more and more the essential building block of services sold to customers. Due to these developments, a business model design process heading for delivering new experiences to customers is guiding the software development process. The state in which the business modelling field finds itself can be characterized as the pre-scientific chaos(Kuhn): there are several competing schools of thought, and progress is limited because of a lack of cumulative progress. Because of this, there are no clear and unique semantics in the research related to business models. During the last years we have been researching business models and are investigating possibilities to apply well-known engineering principles for this application field. We present a business modelling approach as well as some software business modelling cases.


Keynote Lecture 4 (BMSD 2011)

Hermann Maurer
Graz University of Technology

Brief Bio
Dr. Hermann Maurer is Professor Emeritus at Graz University of Technology. He started his career at the University of Calgary as Assistant and Associate Professor, was appointed full professor at Karlsruhe just before he turned 30, and has been now Professor and Dean in Computer Science at Graz University of Technology since 1978, with some interruptions, like guest-professorships of more than a year at Denver University, University of Auckland, and shorter visits to Edith Cowan University in Perth, SMU in Dallas, Waterloo, Brasilia and others. Chair of the Informatics Section of Academia Europaea, "The Academy of Europe" since April 2009, and receiver of many national and international distinctions, Professor Maurer is author of over 650 papers and 20 books, founder of a number of companies, supervised some 60 Ph.D. and over 400 M.Sc. students and was leader of numerous multimillion Euro projects. More about him than you ever want to read under

I will first present some unusual arguments that will show that we are not in for small changes in the near future, but for massive restructuring of how we live, think and learn. I will then explain in what way the strong convergence of cell phones and PCs is likely to develop. I will show clips of protoypes of new devices that overcome the small screen-size of cell phones and their small keyboards. I will then explain how dramatically this will change society and education: we will have with us a permanent powerful assistant. This brings both great benefits and great dangers. I will also address the issue whether large amounts of information help us or rather brainwash us and influence our decision making in a negative way. I will show at least one example that will surprise the audience. I will then argue that no matter how much one is using modern information technology oneself, one does not react the same way when compared to "digital natives", i.e. people (like our students in university) that have grown up in such new environments. I will report on two surprising recent experiments that seem to prove this point conclusively. Finally, I show that the statement we always hear that the value of technology is ambivalent (like "a hammer can be used to drive in a nail or to kill a person by hitting the head") is not even close to the truth. Rather, some technologies are inherently good, others inherently bad, and many in between. I will present a number of examples to verify this provocative idea and show how computers and networks are classified if one looks at them that way.