BMSD 2016

Sixth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design

20-22 June 2016, Rhodes, Greece

Dr. Boris Shishkov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences / IICREST, Bulgaria

Keynote Lecturers:
Prof. Dr. Paris Avgeriou, University of Groningen, The Netherlands (Title: Technical Debt: How Software Organizations Can Stay Solvent)
Prof. Dr. Jan Juerjens, TU Dortmund, Germany (Title: 15 Years of Model-Based Security Engineering with UML: Supporting Secure Evolution)
Dr. Mathias Kirchmer, BPM-D, USA (Title: The BPM-Discipline: Strategy Execution in a Digital World).

General Information

BMSD - the International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design, is a leading international discussion and knowledge dissemination forum that brings together Researchers and Practitioners interested in: (i) Modeling in general and in particular - Conceptual Modeling, Goal Modeling, Value Modeling, Business/Enterprise Modeling, Process Modeling, Model-Driven Engineering; (ii) Enterprise Engineering and its relation to Software Generation; (iii) Information Systems Architectures and Design. Each year, a special theme is chosen, for making presentations and discussions more focused. The theme of BMSD 2016 is:


Adequate business models are of huge importance not only for understanding and (re-)engineering an organization but also for automating (part of) its processes by means of software systems. Not grasping correctly and exhaustively a business system would inevitably lead to consequent software failures. It is therefore claimed that software generation should essentially have its roots in corresponding enterprise engineering models.

In 2016, BMSD will be held in Rhodes, Greece, following previous events in Italy (Milan, 2015), the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Luxembourg, 2014), The Netherlands (Noordwijkerhout, 2013), Switzerland (Geneva, 2012), and Bulgaria (Sofia, 2011).

The symposium is organized and sponsored by the international institute IICREST, being co-organized by AUTH - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and technically co-sponsored by BPM-D. Cooperating organizations are: TU Delft - Delft University of Technology, CTIT - the U-Twente Centre for Telematics and Information Technology, IMI - the BAS Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, SIKS - the Nederlands Research School for Information and Knowledge Systems, and AMAKOTA Ltd.

Goals and Topics

BMSD aims at addressing the above-mentioned challenges, by contributing to the dissemination of research results and also by leading and inspiring open discussions focused on the wider applicability of business models. In addressing all this, BMSD 2016 is considering a large number of research topics: from more abstract ones, such as essential business models to more technical ones, such as software specification, from more business-oriented ones, such as business process management and coordination, and requirements specification to IT architectures -related topics. Hence, we welcome paper submissions from but not limited to the following areas and topics:

Business Analysis - Value Models and Process Models
Essential Business Models
Re-Usable Business Models
Relating Business Goals to Requirements
Business Process Coordination
Business Entities and Business Roles
Business Data and Semantics
Business Processes and Business Rules
Behavior Modeling and Pragmatics
Identification and Elicitation of Requirements
Domain-Imposed and User-Defined Requirements
Requirements Analysis

Business Modeling and Service Science
Relating Business Goals to the Identification of Services
Service Modeling - Technology-Independent & Platform-Specific
Business Rules and Service Composition
Autonomic Service Behavior
Context-Aware Service Behavior
Re-Usable Service Models

Business Modeling -Driven Derivation of Software
Business Innovation and Software Evolution
Business-IT Alignment and Traceability
Re-Usable Business Models and Software Components
Business Rules and Software Specification
Business Goals and Software Integration
Autonomic and Context-Aware Business/Software Systems
Affective Computing and User-Aware Software Systems

Enterprise Architectures
Service-Oriented Architectures
Architectural Styles
Architectural Viewpoints
Crosscutting Concerns.

Other Information

BMSD 2016 invites papers describing original contributions related to the topics listed above. Submitted papers should be in English. The papers should be prepared and submitted according to the instructions.

Key dates
Regular Paper submission deadline: 7 March 2016
Position Paper submission deadline: 23 March 2016
Notification of acceptance: 19 April 2016
Final paper submission: 2 May 2016.

Types of contributions
Regular Papers - presenting research that is completed or almost finished
Position Papers - presenting an arguable opinion about and issue
Invited Papers - submitted by best paper authors and BMSD former / future Keynotes.

Paper formats
Full Papers - 10-page limit in the symposium proceedings (oral presentation)
Short Papers - 6-page limit in the symposium proceedings (oral presentation)
Posters - 4 page limit in the symposium proceedings (poster presentation).

How to submit a paper (7 steps)
1. View the technical scope
2. Prepare a contribution of no less than 3 and no more than 8 pages
3. Decide whether you are submitting your contribution as a Regular Paper or as a Position Paper
4. Do paper formatting, using the provided templates (
5. Remove your names and the names of your co-authors (and also your affiliations) from the title and references sections
6. Save the file as PDF
7. e-Mail the file to: secretariat [at] by March 7, putting in the Subject: “BMSD 2016, Regular / Position Paper”.

Accepted papers will be presented at BMSD 2016 and included in the symposium proceedings, published by SciTePress. All presented papers will also be included in the SciTePress Digital Library ( and DBLP-indexed. Finally, the authors of selected best papers will be invited to submit revised and extended versions of their papers in a Springer LNBIP Revised Selected Papers book.

Symposium Format

The symposium will be a three-day event with a Panel Discussion, Keynote Lectures, and oral / poster presentations.    


Address: IICREST c/o B. Shishkov (BMSD 2016 Event); P.O. Box 104; 1618 Sofia; Bulgaria
e-Mails: Symposium ChairSecretariat